A lot of people and organizations helped make the 2016 CEEC happen. We would like to thank them below.
Logo Design
We would like to thank Austin Sandy for designing our fantastic new logo. Austin Sandy is Graphic Designer and Photographer working with clients across the U.S. remotely from Jonesboro, Arkansas. He specializes in poster design, logo design, and publication design. For more design and photography samples, please visit ASandyDesigns.com. You can contact Austin directly at austin.sandy@hotmail.com.
Midwest Ecology & Evolution Conference
We would like to thank the MEEC for their generous financial support to help us get this sister conference up and going! Learn more about the MEEC on their facebook page.
Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History
We would like to thank the SNOMNH for arranging for Dr. Paul Sereno to be our Keynote Speaker and for providing a fantastic venue for the talk. Learn more about the SNOMNH at their website and be sure to check out our Sunday field trip to the museum!
Steering Committee
We would like to thank the following graduate students from OU who donated their time to make the CEEC happen!
Billy Culver – Department of Biology
Jess Eberle – Department of Biology
Janessa Doucette-Frederickson – Department of Anthropology
Joseph Frederickson – Department of Biology
Jonathan Giddens – Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology
Nicole Poe – Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology
Brent Tweedy – Department of Biology
We would also like to acknowledge and thank our faculty sponsor, Dr. Cameron Siler!
A big thank you as well to the Anthropology Graduate Association at OU for handling our funds.